IS Ep 27 – Raising your game

IS Ep 27 – Raising your game

Inside Songwriting Episode 27 – Raising your game


Shownotes Episode 27


Inside Songwriting Episode 27 – Raising your game

In this somewhat, wine-infused episode Karl speaks of the thought that there are occasions when we can’t help but exceed our own expectations of ourselves.


The “Rule of Thirds” or “The Law of 33%”

This one was recorded in the mountains of NSW, rather than on the cliff tops. It has a different flavour. As inspirational as ever, even if a little Shiraz was spilled during the podcast recording.



Who we should learn from
Who we should encourage
Who we should help

This episode is sponsored by 7 Step Songwriting an online course I filmed for you.


I made it super affordable for the Inside Songwriting community!

It’s simple 7 step songwriting walk through that will assist in making any song you write, engaging and dynamic throughout.

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Thanks for your support and again for being here.


All the best


Links mentioned in this episode are:

Periscope: @karlbroadie
Instagram: @karlbroadie
Facebook Group:
Pinterest: Karl Broadie

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Much appreciated! Karl